A case study. Part One. Liz is in Love!

Liz and Pam have been best friends for 10 years. They met when they were 25, where they worked together as journalists for the local newspaper. They were both wet behind the ears and learning the ropes, and as such often got the less exciting, and smaller stories to cover, often leaving them sitting at their desks spitballing ideas with each other to pitch to the editor.

This constant and consistent time together made fast friends of the pair as they bonded over the unfairness of it all, being overlooked and undervalued and not feeling they were given the true opportunity to shine. Comiseration drinks after work soon turned into long dinners and intimate chats.

Very soon they knew almost everything about one another, from problematic exes, to office crushes. They met each other’s families, went on many girls weekend getaways together, and Liz, being the more social and extroverted of the pair, introduced Pam to her other friends. Pam only seemed to have a handful of friends she described as close, but as far as Liz could tell, most  of them she didn’t see much at all. Liz, on the other hand, was always the life of the party, and never sat at home alone on a Friday night, or any other night for that matter.

Pam loved being included in this wider circle, and truly loved the new friendship she had formed with Liz. She had close friends, but now she knew what it was to have the elusive “bestie,” and she couldn’t be happier about it. Liz was the missing piece to her life.

Over the years, Liz had dated many men, but her standards were high and most didn’t even win her attention long enough for a second date. She was tall and thin and blonde, so she never had to worry that there wouldn’t be another fish in the sea. Everywhere they went some random guy would ask for her phone number or insist she take his. There were a few serious romances to note, however the longest one lasted just over a year, and the rest were lucky to reach 6 months. Liz just didn’t seem to be the type to settle.

Until she met Dan. His dark hair and light eyes captivated her, and the fact that he didn’t seem to fall at her feet like the others drove her wild. Endless hours of conversations with Pam were spent agonising over what an emoji in his text meant, or how Liz could get his attention, or why he had read her message last night and still not responded the next day. Liz pursued Dan with gusto. When her persistence paid off, she was over the moon. They had a date.

At Liz’s place that afternoon there was a flurry of excitement, as she had a drink with Pam to calm her nerves and tried on nearly every outfit she owned. Maybe they would have to go shopping for something new, to impress Dan. He was a dentist, running his own practise, and was always well dressed and well spoken. He was impressively smart, and passionate about animal welfare. In his spare time he played basketball; his height making it the obvious choice of sport. “He’s the one!” Liz cooed before this first date. Pam had rolled her eyes, thinking Liz was naïve and he would last no longer than the others once she realised he was far too busy for a relationship. But she didn’t say that, she cooed excitedly instead that she couldn’t wait to be maid of honour at the wedding…..

The date went well, Liz explained to Pam on the phone the next evening. Pam had wondered why Liz hadn’t called the next morning, she was worried Liz had been hacked up into little pieces by a serial killer. When Liz checked her phone, after Dan pulled himself out of her bed the next afternoon and off to his basketball practise, she saw 2 missed calls, a voicemail and 7 texts from Pam, each one more concerned than the last. Laughing, she excitedly dialed Pam’s number to give her the update. He’d taken her to play mini golf at the botanic gardens, as they did glow in the dark golf on summers evenings. They’d made wagers on the loser of each hole having to kiss the winner, and each kiss was better than the last she swooned. He’d given her his jacket to wear when the mosquito’s started going for her through the sheer fabric of her top, and then they’d sipped cocktails, as they took goofy photo’s around the gardens and it’s statues. They had pizza and icecream cozied around the café fireplace, and he told her of his parents disappointment that he became a dentist not a doctor. She shared her fears that she would never be a serious writer and her dreams of writing a best seller one day. He said he believed in her, that if she could win his attention and affection, there was nothing she couldn’t do.

At the end of the night, he’d insisted on Ubering her home, and unable to take her eyes off him, she’d invited him in. They spent a passionate night together, and they made pancakes in her kitchen naked the next morning…. “That sounds very unhygienic” Pam interjected, making a quip about food poisoning. She wasn’t taking this too seriously. “I am going to marry that man!” Liz said, taking no notice of Pam’s lack of enthusiasm.

As, it turned out, Liz was right. After his basketball training, he returned to her place, and he kind of just never left. Now when the girls got together, Dan was there too, and it was at one of these Sunday Brunch sessions with Liz, and Pam, and all the girls Liz had introduced Pam to, that she flashed her diamond. He had proposed! Liz was beaming, and she couldn’t wait to share the news with the crew. They all clinked glasses and talked about wedding gowns and venues. But Liz noticed Pam was quiet.

Taking her aside, she had asked Pam if everything was alright. “Yes, of course, I am happy for you, it’s just, well, we never spend time together anymore? I’m worried you’l get married and have babies and we will drift even further apart” The words were almost a whisper as Pam held back tears. Liz was annoyed. “Don’t rain on my parade! I just got engaged! Don’t make this about you! No wonder we don’t spend time together, when you are so jealous and possessive. I need some space from you. I need people who are happy for me. I have handed in my notice at work. I am going to help Dan with the practise and focus on writing my novel. I’m sure you think that is a terrible idea too, but I don’t want to hear it. Get a life of your own Pam.”

Liz returns to the group with a wide smile, she returns to the cradle of Dan’s arms and melts into him as he kisses the top of her head. The group gush and giggle, and she truly feels happy, and to be honest, relieved. She was going to ask her sister to be Maid of Honour, and she was sure Pam would have been upset about that too. She just couldn’t be happy for Liz and she didn’t need the negativity….

Next week we will read Pam’s side of the story, so stay tuned!

❤ Love,
Your Best Friend ForNever